Sunday, June 27, 2010

Carb Attack!

My sister in law, Maria, is a wonderful cook. It's always a treat to be at their place at dinner time. This week, her son Salvatore made his Confirmation, and Maria planned a small reception after the ceremony at their house.
The refreshments were delicious, but I am sure Dr. Atkins was rolling over in his grave at the feast she had prepared. This was a celiac's nightmare!
Maria made a couple of home made pizzas, one with a simple tomato sauce and the other with cheese and potatoes. The latter sounds strange, but it is beyond good. It is a phenomonally tasty dish.
She also prepared a cold pasta salad and a rustic bread into which she mixed pancetta and then baked in a big round pan. It came out about 8 inches tall, dense with yeasty bread and crispy pancetta, the whole thing weighing about five pounds!
For dessert we had tiramisu. We rolled out of there about three hours later, fat and happy...but discovered we couldn't sleep with all that in our stomachs. The price we pay for family solidarity!

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